Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Skeptics, UFO believers in Taiwan debate "fake" photo of ‘alien’ UFO creature

NOTE TO READERS OVERSEAS: The Taiwanese ''news media'' -- scare quotes intendended -- is reporting this unsubstantiated and completely bullshit article as news. Not once in the original article does any expert speak up and say the photo is fake. Is this the kind of face Taiwan wants to show to the outside world? Bear in mind that this fake news story did not appear in a supermarket tabloid but in a serious national newspaper of high prestige, the Liberty Times, at

A translation of the article in the Taipei Times today goes like this:


SUPERIMPOSED? -- A photo imaging expert said the photo does not appear to
have been edited, but thought the so-called ‘alien’ looked too human, OH REALLY?????


By Yang Chiu-ying /  Staff reporter of LIBERTY TIMES

A close-up doctored and faked ''image'' of a photo taken by policeman Chen Yung-huang near
Jiaming Lake in Taitung County on May 14 last year shows a seemingly
transparent bipedal figure walking. OH LAST YEAR? WHY THE TIME DELAY IN REPORTING THIS NOW?

Photo courtesy of the Taiwan ''Ufology'' Society PHOTO IS SUCH BULLSHIT!

A local ''UFO'' association has released a photograph taken at a high
mountain lake which it CLAIMS BUT CANNOT PROVE shows the image of an “alien being,” but
skeptics say it IS a digitally edited or multiple-exposure photo. PHOTOSHOP ANYONE?

The Taiwan UFOlogy Society (TUFOS) announced on Saturday that a
photograph taken by a policeman at Jiaming Lake (嘉明湖) — located at an
altitude of 3,310 meters on the southern section of the Central Mountains in
Taitung County — shows what SORT OF KIND OF IN A COMPLETELY FAKE WAY appears to be a large ''alien'' UFO creature, right out of a Spielberg movie, with
a transparent body and webbed hands, walking in the distance.OF COURSE IT IS NOT REAL PHOTO.
Due to its strange features, TUFOS executives say it does not look
like a human being, but must have come from outer space. YEH SURE. AND TAIWAN IS A MEMBER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, RIGHT?TUFOS chairman Huang Chao-ming (黃朝明) said the policeman gave them the
photo, which was taken on his iPhone 4 mobile phone, for examination.

A close-up image of the so-called “alien being” shows double-exposure
lines at the bottom. To determine whether the photo is genuine, TUFOS
spent a year having experts on mobile phone technology, computer
imagery and camera photography inspect the photo, but it has yet to
make a conclusive finding.......DUH, THE PHOTO IS FAKE. THERE ARE NO UFOS And THERE ARE NO ALIENS coming to land in TAIWAN!
Some experts have said it may be a leftover image from the mobile
phone’s flash memory that was superimposed on the scenery shot. FINALlY SOME SANITY HERE

Huang said if it was a faulty superimposed image, why did the “alien
being” just happen to be at the top of the mountain ridge line?  YEH WHY? BECAUSE THIS IS ALL BULLSHIT NEWS AND IT SHOULD NEVER APPEAR IN A NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WITH THE REPUTATION OF THE LIBERTY TIMES.The photograph was taken by Chen Yung-huang (陳詠鍠), a policeman who
went on a hiking trip to Jiaming Lake with his colleagues on May 14
last year.

Chen told Huang that he did not notice anything unusual, and only
discovered the strange figure in the picture after coming down the
mountains.  OH SURE!

Chien Jung-tai (簡榮泰), an expert on photo image processing, was shown
the photograph on Saturday. Chien initially said that a shaking motion
when the shot was being taken might have produced the double lines in
what might be a leftover image.  MIGHT HAVE?However, it was ''interesting'' to see that the double lines in the
leftover image appear only in a small section of the photo, he said.  INTERESTING? BULLSHIT
Chien also compared the pixel elements of the double lines below the
“alien being” and the image above it, and said they do not differ
much, adding that it does not appear to be an edited photo.  IT IS A FAKE BULLSHIT PHOTO.
However, he said that if it were an “alien being,” then it should have
a body structure and composition different from that of a human being.

Judging from the photo, the creature appears to have a huge body, but
if it is transparent, it would not have an outline and a shadow, he

“If it was an alien being from another planet, with its own special
biological structure, then we would be unable to interpret its shape
and appearance, based on what we see from creatures on Earth,” he

When asked if the image might be caused by a superimposition of a
leftover frame image from the mobile phone’s flash memory, Chien said
that was a question that can only be answered by experts in optical
imaging technology for flash memory devices.

Based on his experience with digital cameras and mobile phones, he
said the probability of having a multiple-exposure image superimposed
at just the right place in an outdoor scenery picture was low.Huang said there have been reports from other countries of cameras
capturing images of beings and objects that are invisible to the human
eye. BULLSHIT!This story has been viewed 123,556 times.
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