Saturday, November 10, 2012
Stephen Leahey in Canada, a top climate activist and reporter, has written a series of Sandy-related pieces that might someday become a book. He writes:"Thanks again for spreading the word about Hurricane Sandy Speaks.
My news service InterPressService translated it into Spanish/Portugese and distributed it in South America.Bill McKibben, the founder of described it as “remarkable”....New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted it out to his 1.3 million followers .....and sites like the Huffington Post, Daily Kos and Climate Connections picked it up.A final Sandy follow up was just published: “I Helped Re-elect President Obama”.It makes the point that failure to deal with climate change has consequences here and now as well as in future. And people are beginning to understand that. Please pass the link on to your contacts.Last week I thought I was finished doing Sandy Speaks but there were requests for more. I think this is the end but as difficult as it was to write, I'm finding it hard to let go. ''