Mystery man
Fans of American cult movies might remember Jim Jarmusch's 1989 film
"Mystery Train," which not only put Jarmusch on the world map but also
turned the then-22 year old Japanese actor Masatoshi Nagase, a high
school drop-out, into an international star.
Fast forward to 2012, and Nagase is now in Taiwan as part of the cast
of "KANO," a Wei Te-sheng (魏德聖) produced baseball flick about a 1931
Chiayi high school team that made history in both Taiwan and Japan.
Location filming has been going on in five cities around Taiwan for
the past few months, with an all-Taiwanese cast except for the man
playing the role of the strict high school coach Hyotaro Kondo --
Masatoshi Nagase -- who has been on set every day with his translator
and agent by his side.
Shooting his first film in Taiwan has been a new experience for
Nagase, but the Japanese actor has been getting accustomed quickly to
Taiwan life and culture. He has told locals that he feels that he is
becoming Taiwanese more and more every day, and as an example, he
explained how he now has learned to cross the street here without
looking at the traffic lights, and just going on instinct, which is
the usual Taiwanese way of crossing. In Japan, of course, everyone
obeys the traffic signals and never crosses without traffic light
Casting Nagase in the Taiwanese movie appears to be a stroke of
casting genius since Jarmusch is a big name in America and Europe and
Nagase's star turn will be sure to bring in a lot of Western viewers
to ''KANO'' -- not to mention his many fans in Japan where over the
past 20 years where he has appeared on TV shows, movies and
How did producer Wei find Nagase? He was recommended by a mutual
director friend in Japan who felt the "Mystery Train" actor would be
perfect for the role of a strict baseball coach in the 1930s,
according to sources. "Kano" is set to be released in early 2014.
2013.01.09 03:28 am
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